الخميس، 21 سبتمبر 2017

Solar energy networking dinner

Solar energy networking dinner on the 9th October at 6:30 pm at the premises of the DAAD Cairo Office (El-Saleh Ayoub, Zamalek, Cairo Governorate 11211)

As a result of economic and population growth, the energy demand of the MENA countries will continue to rise in the coming decades. The regenerative energy source sun is available in abundance but its use is only progressing slowly. Therefore, we would like to give you the opportunity to present your work and activities as part of a poster exhibition addressing solar energy projects in the MENA region. The event will be organized in collaboration with the German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GACIC) which host their 9th Egyptian-German Renewables Day starting the 8th of October in Cairo

The solar energy networking dinner joins a series of previous events addressing the potential of renewable energies which were hosted under the auspicious of the DAAD Cairo like “Rethinking Energy” conference in 2015, the workshop on the study “80 Gigawatts of Change focusing on Egypt’s Future Electricity Pathways” and a one-day workshop, presenting the conducted study by Fraunhofer ISE on Electricity Costs from Renewable Energy Technologies in 2016

الجمعة، 15 سبتمبر 2017

FENASAN and IFAT agree to a partnership


  • Partnership to begin in 2018
  • Focus on expert consultancy and knowledge transfer
  • Brazil as a strategically important market for the IFAT
IFAT, the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management is further expanding its international network. From 2018, it will be a strategic partner to FENASAN in São Paulo, Brazil’s biggest trade fair for water technologies, which takes place every autumn in the Expo Center Norte

The full press release is available online and for download here

Further information www.ifat.de

علاقات شراكات تبدء في  2018
تركيز على الخبرة الاستشارية ونقل المعرفة
البرازيل باعتبارها سوقا استراتيجيا هاما  IFAT
المعرض الدولي الرائد في مجال المياه والصرف الصحي والنفايات والمواد الخام،  المعرض التجاري الرائد في العالم، يواصل توسيع شبكته الدولية. من عام 2018، سيكون شريكا استراتيجيا لفيناسان في ساو باولو، أكبر معرض تجاري في البرازيل لتكنولوجيات المياه، والذي يقام كل خريف في مركز اكسبو نورتي.

الخميس، 14 سبتمبر 2017

اتفاقية لشراء الطاقة Most Updated Power Purchase Agreements

أوضـح د. شاكـر تـم توقيع الاتفاقية بين الشركة المصرية لنقل الكهرباء وشركـة الــسويـدى ELSwedy Power – ELSwedy Electic) ( المشاركة فى تطوير وتمويل وبناء وتملك وتشغيل محطة طاقة شمسية بموقع بنبان بقدرة 50 ميجاوات  .
تعد شركة السويدى ضمن الشركات المؤهلة لتنفيذ مشروعات طاقة شمسية بمنطقة بنبان ضمن المرحلة الثانية من برنامج تعريقة التغذية التى تم الإعلان عنها فى 28/10/2016 ومن المقرر أن يتم الإغلاق المالى خلال عام لمشروعات الطاقة الشمسية وعام ونصف من مشروعات طاقة الرياح من ذات التاريخ  .
أضاف شاكر أنه تم حتى الآن توقيع إتفاقيات لشراء الطاقة للمرحلة الثانية من برنامج تعريقة التغذية مع عدد 18 شركة لتنفيذ إجمالى قدرات تبلغ حوالى 870 ميجاوات 
أشار شاكر أن هذة الإتفاقيات تأتى ذلك فى إطار تنفيذ برنامج تعريفة التغذية FIT والذى تم الإعلان عنه فى أكتوبر 2014 لانشاء محطات شمس ورياح بقدرات تصل إلى حوالى  4300 ميجاوات منها 2000 ميجاوات من الرياح و 2000 ميجاوات من مشروعات الطاقة الشمسية (الخلايا الفوتوفلطية) ، علاوة على 300 ميجاوات للمشروعات الشمسية أقل من 500 كيلووات.
Dr. Shaker explained that the agreement was signed between the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company and ELSwedy Power (ELSwedy Electic) to participate in the development, financing, construction, ownership and operation of a 50 MW solar power plant at Benban
El Sewedy is one of the qualified companies to implement solar energy projects in Benban region within the second phase of FIT program, which was announced on 28/10/2016. The project is scheduled to be closed within one year for solar energy projects and one and a half years of wind energy projects of the same date
Shaker added that so far, energy purchase agreements for the second phase of the FIT program have been signed with 18 companies to implement a total capacity of about 870 megawatts

الأربعاء، 6 سبتمبر 2017


  • Key topic: resource efficiency 
  • New: Business to Government Forum and Environmental Technologies Conference
  • Visitor registration online
IFAT India 2017 is gearing up for the start. Three weeks before the event opens, it is clear that India’s leading environmental technology trade fair has grown considerably in terms of the number of exhibitors and space. Over 170 companies from 18 countries are exhibiting on an area covering 8,000 square meters. The supporting program will offer additional benefits for exhibitors and visitors alike. In numerous forums, conferences and competitions, it will deal with current topics in the Indian environmental sector. IFAT India 2017 takes place from September 26 to 28 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) in Mumbai.

Pictures for your coverage are available here:
Picture 1Not only is there a lively exchange at the exhibition stands ...
Picture 2... the top experts in the Indian environmental sector are also discussing importing topics during the supporting program

Read the entire press release for IFAT India 2017 here

الثلاثاء، 5 سبتمبر 2017


Over the past eleven years the International Renewable Energy Storage conference has emerged as the central platform for sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas on a key issue of future energy supply. The event is an international gathering of all relevant stakeholders: leaders from the energy storage industries, renewable and conventional energy businesses, grid operators and utilities, from the hybrid and electric vehicle sector, the building trades, science, associations, politics and the financial industry
From 13-15 March 2018, the 12th International Renewable Energy Storage conference (IRES) will again be organized together with the Energy Storage Europe (ESE) in Düsseldorf, Germany. The conference is based on two thematic foci: the scientific research on storage technology (IRES) and the introduction of this technology to the market (ESE). It is accompanied by the largest B2B exhibition on storage technologies. The vicinity of the conference and the exhibition guarantees the opportunity of scientists and entrepreneurs to meet and discuss the recent developments of the newest technologies

The winners of the Best Poster Prize Award on IRES 2017 in Düsseldorf