Welcome to MED-ENEC Newsletter No.2
An eventful year in the MENA region is drawing to a close
restrained by crucial challenges of the transformation period following
the Arab Spring. Even more the impression is intensifying that the Arab
world is confronted with a new era of economic insecurity posed -
amongst others - by questions of the future energy demand and supply.
2012-12-19 |
The workshop was held on 3 December, 2012, in Amman Jordan under the
Patronage of HE Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources, Mr. Alaa A.
Batayneh in cooperation with the League of |
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2012-12-19 |
The League of Arab States together with RCREEE organized a Regional
Workshop – “NEEAP Development in the Arab region: Monitoring and
Evaluation Methodology”. The workshop was held in Sanaa, Yemen on 11-12 |
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2012-12-19 |
“Arab economies are not energy efficient.” This is the starting
point for the “Energy Efficieny Handbook” which is intended for use as a
housekeeping guide for energy efficiency best practices in commercial |
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2012-12-19 |
Alarming facts: The energy consumption in the Arab Mediterranean
Region is increasing significantly due to growing use of air condition
units and other electric appliances. The self-evident solution is a
policy switch |
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2012-12-19 |
The European Commission conducted a workshop on ESCO market
development - Barriers and Support Mechanisms in Istanbul on 5-6
December, 2012. The purpose of the two days’ workshop was to present and
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