COP23 will take place at the headquarters of the UNFCCC
Secretariat, presided over by the Government of Fiji and will follow the
groundbreaking COP21 in Paris
during which close to 200 governments agreed to achieve a greenhouse gas
neutral energy supply by 2050. During the following COP22 in Marrakesh , 48 governments went even further
and committed themselves to a 100% renewable energy supply.
With the Paris
agreement reached at COP21, the UN Climate Change Conferences have changed their character
fundamentally and are now focusing on technologies and solutions which are
needed to achieve an emission free energy supply. Hence GRESS will focus on
solutions in the field of renewable energy which the renewable energy sector
can already provide today. Companies from all renewable energy branches are
invited to present their actual technologies and services to the COP23
delegates. Correspondingly, all COP23 delegates from 200 countries are invited
to join GRESS for free, and get in contact with the practitioners and solution
Amongst the co-hosts of the GRESS, there are: Global100% Renewable
Energy Platform, REN Alliance, International Geothermal Association IGA,
International Hydropower Association IHA, International Solar Energy Society
ISES, World Bioenergy Association WBA, World Wind Energy Association WWEA,
European Renewable Energy Federation EREF, German Renewable Energy Federation
BEE, Energy Watch Group, and several other national renewable energy
The venue of GRESS will be at the Federal Art and
Exhibition Hall, Bundeskunsthalle, adjacent to the COP23.
IGA Executive Director Marit Bromme: "Cool
the Earth – Stay hot with Geothermal. The International Geothermal Association
is proud to be co-hosting the GRESS event during COP23 in Bonn . We look forward to contribute to the
important dialogue on transforming the global energy portfolio from fossil-fuel
based to climate neutral in the coming decades.”
IHA Executive Director Richard Taylor: "The
International Hydropower Association supports the Global Renewable Energy
Showcase. IHA and its members share the vision of an interconnected world where
water and energy services are delivered to all in a sustainable way. The Global
Renewable Energy Solution Showcase is a prime opportunity for participants of
COP23 to experience the latest innovations and progress of the global renewable
energy community, and to see how renewable energy technologies can work
together towards decarbonising the economy, mitigating and limiting the impacts
of climate change, and achieving the sustainable development goals."
ISES President David Renné: "The International Solar Energy
Society looks forward very much to participating in this important event, and
encourages all who will be attending the COP23 to attend the GRESS as well.
The global membership of ISES is supporting the transformation of our
energy system to 100% renewable energy through technical and academic R&D
programs that reduce costs and improve reliability of renewable energy systems
and the integration of these systems to meet all end use energy requirements in
the power, transport, and heating and cooling sectors. ISES disseminates
these results through its prestigious Solar Energy Journal, its webinars, its
presentations at conferences, and its online newsletters and publications.
Attendees to the GRESS will have the opportunity to obtain the latest
information on technology breakthroughs, best practices, and case studies of
programs leading to a 100% renewable energy supply."
WBA Executive Director Bharadwaj Venkata: “Renewable energy
technologies working together is the best solution for mitigating global
warming and meeting the global energy and climate goals. We are excited to be a
part of the GRESS event which will be the ideal place to get updated on the
latest renewable energy technology solutions available today.”
WWEA Secretary General Stefan Gsänger: “We are delighted
that we can use the opportunity of having the COP23 next door to our office and
invite the world renewable energy community to come to Bonn and share their latest achievements with
the key decision makers from 200 countries. No renewable energy technology can
stand on its own, and the synergies of sun, water, bioenergy, geothermal and
wind will lead the world to a new age of prosperity.”
More information, sponsorship options and preregistration is
available on: www.globalrenewable.solutions