الخميس، 6 فبراير 2014

20th Cairo Climate Talks event


The upcoming 20th Cairo Climate Talks, “From Warsaw to Paris: Negotiating Global Climate Change”, that will take place onFebruary 18th at 6:30 pm onwards. 
The event will take place on the premises of the German Science Center (DWZ), 11 Al-Saleh Ayoub street, Zamalek.
The discussion will focus on the outcomes of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP19), which took place in November 2013 in Warsaw, and assess the road toward 2015 in Paris, where the next crucial climate negotiations will take place.
Unlike the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which imposed greenhouse gas emissions reductions on wealthy, developed nations only, the COP21 in Paris will go a step further and include commitments by all nations for the period after 2020.
The Cairo Climate Talks is inviting local and foreign experts to shed light on the roadmap to those talks. They will discuss where they stand today regarding global climate negotiations and give insights on their possible contributions for a new global agreement.

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