الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2012

EGM-RE Tunis

      Economic Commission for Africa

   Expert Group Meeting

Innovative financing mechanisms for renewable energy projects in North Africa

October 3-5, 2012

Tunis, Tunisia

October Wednesday 3, 2012

08h30 – 09h30 Registration of the participants

09h30 – 10h30 Opening and introduction

·        Opening speechs

·        Introduction: presentation of the objectives and the Expert group meeting programme (Mrs. Marieme Bekaye, ECA-NA)

10h30 – 11h00                        Coffee break  

11h00 – 13h00     Session 1: Understanding financial issues: needs analysis, typology and financing constraints

·        Outcomes of the Report (M. Rafiq Missaoui & M. Sami Marrouki, consultants)

·        Funding for Research & Development in the renewable energy sector ( M. Badr Ikken, Director General, IRESEN-Morocco) 

·        Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) Project-Pipeline in Mediterranean Partner Countries and analysis of financing strategies (M. Martin Ehrlich, Expert Finance, PWMSP-UE)

·        Pro poor public-private partnerships for renewable energy: the UNECE experience and model (M. Gianluca Sambucini, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE)
·        Discussions

13h00 – 14h30                        Lunch break

14h30-18h00  Session 2: Overview of existing funding opportunities

·        Introduction of the main findings of the Study (M. Rafiq Missaoui & M. Sami Marrouki, consultants)

·        The role of innovative financing in renewable energy (M. Jaime Reis Conde, Chief Unit “Financial Instruments”- EuropeAid- European Commission)

·        ADB experience regarding financing mechanisms for renewable energies in North Africa (Ms. Hela Cheikhrouhou, Director of the Energy, Environment and Climate Change department-ADB)

·        Discussions

16h00- 16h30                          Coffee break

·        Lessons learned from the use of CDM in North Africa and the usability of NAMAs (Ms. Fanny Missfeldt-Ringius, Senior Energy Economist, Middle East and North Africa, Energy Department, World Bank)

·        Rio+20 for Scaling up Financing for Renewable Energy (M. Wei Liu, UNDESA)

·        Discussions

October Thursday 4, 2012

09h00 – 10h30   Session 3: How to promote the involvement of the private sector in financing   RE investments?

·        Presentation of the results of the study: the problem of private funding and potential solutions (M. Rafiq Missaoui & M. Sami Marrouki, consultants).

·        Private sector involvement in financing renewable energy and PPP initiatives (M. Sam Cho, GPAD/ ECA)
·        Renewable Energy In Egypt: Attractive Investment Opportunities (M. Khaled Fekry, NREA Egypt)
·        Discussions

10h30 – 11h00                        Coffee Break

11h00- 13h00   Session 3 (follow-up) : Public-private dialogue

·        Identifying the main barriers to the involvement of the private sector and the conditions / reforms required to establish effective partnerships (2 working groups)

·        Feed-back of the working group

·        Discussions

13h00 – 14h30                        Lunch break

14h30 –16h00   Session 4: Bank financing of renewable energy projects

·        Banking issues: overview and constraints (M. Rafiq Missaoui & M. Sami Marrouki, consultants)

·        Contribution of the Moroccan banking sector to the financing of renewable energy projects. (M. Youssef Rouissi, Chairman of AttijariwafaBank, Investment bank, Morocco)

·        The experience of Attijari Bank through PROSOL program (M. Moez Terzi, Head of Corporate Banking, Attijari Bank of Tunisia)

·        Discussions

16h00 - 16h30                         Coffee break

16h30 - 18h00   Session 5: International Benchmark and proposals regarding innovative financing mechanisms

·        Presentation of the Compendium of best practice (M. Rafiq Missaoui & M. Sami Marrouki, consultants)

·        Lessons learned from policies and financial mechanisms to support the development of renewable energies in the European Union countries and their impact on small projects (Dr. Dörte Fouquet, EREF, Brussels)

·        UNEP’s experience with end user finance programme: case study of Tunisia and Morocco (Ms. Myriem Touhami, UNEP)
·        Discussions

October Friday 5, 2012

9h30 - 11h30  Session 6: Review of the recommendations through ECA’s knowledge sharing platform.

·        ECA Electronic platform for knowledge management: A tool for Member States in order to capitalize and share their knowledge (M. Talla Kebe, KM team, ECA)

·        Discussions

11h30 – 12h00                        Coffee break

12h00 - 13h00    Closing session

·        Discussion and approval of the main recommendations
·        Closing of the meeting

13h00 – 14h30                        Lunch break

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